Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Territorio Doméstico: tools for organizing and collective/self- care

[EN]    This entry presents translated materials from the group Territorio Domestico, a collective of  domestic workers (most of them migrants) active in Madrid. They shared a presentation of their work with us in April 2013, as well as doing a workshop in which we explored their tools for organizing, mutual support and collective care. Amazing stuff, a great time. Below are bits of their working materials translated into German and English, as well as audio recordings and videos - hopefully they can be useful for your organizing practice!

[DE]    Dieser Eintrag beinhaltet uebersetzte Materialien der Gruppe Territorio Domestico, einem in Madrid arbeitenden Kollektiv von Haushaltsangestellten dass sich grossteils aus migrantischen Frauen zusammensetzt. Territorio Domestico haben im April 2013 bei uns ihre Arbeit praesentiert und auch einen workshop gemacht, in dem wir ihre Werzeuge zur Selbstorganisierung, gemeinsamen Fuersorge und Unterstuetzung kennengelernt haben. Mehr Infos zu diesen Tagen findet sich im untenstehenden Link. Hier findet ihr also ausgesuchte Materialien, die wir vom Spanischen ins Deutsche und Englische uebersetzt haben, wie auch Ton- und Videoaufzeichnungen. Das Material kann für vielerlei Organisierungspraxis nützlich sein!

[ES]     Ahí va una compilación de materiales traducidos del grupo Territorio Domestico, un colectivo de mujeres en su mayoria migrantes que trabajan como empleadas domésticas en Madrid. El grupo estuvo en Viena en Abril 2013 presentándonos su trabajo y haciendo un taller presentando sus herramientas de autoorganización, cuidado colectivo y apoyo mutuo. Más información sobre esos días está en el enlace inferior. Aquí encontrarás materiales selecionados traducidos al inglés, alemán y también en su versión original en español. Esperamos que sirvan de inspiración para otros procesos de organización y lucha!"

More info on the presentation and workshop of April 2013.

[Materials in ENGLISH]

Territorio Doméstico is a space of encounter, relation, care and struggle for women and their rights, especially as migrants. The demand for the recognition of the rights of domestic workers is our point of departure, as well as the devalorization of this labour in a system that degrades care and personal assistance and makes it invisible and precarious – because care is vital for the sustaining of our societies! Hence our slogan: BECAUSE WITHOUT US, THE WORLD WOULDN’T BE MOVING and the image of a woman spurring a large and complex system of cogs. We are a space for the struggles and mutual support of women. A space wherein relationships, listening to each other’s realities and the care for the self as well as for others are very important.

>>> Advice for powerful domestic workers

1. What we do is worth a lot. Don’t forget that and don’t let others forget it.

2. We give each other information and support, especially in bad times. Those who are in the same situation as us have a lot of knowledge - and also strategies. You can also get free information via support facilities, NGOs, radios and so forth.